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1 . 拳击者被击倒后经裁判数到十秒还站不起来|被判失败|打输|被打败 Out of the Blue

2 . 有吸引力的人在穷困时,获得陌生人帮助的机率也比较大。 down是什么意思:

3 . 用(好象用带子或腰带围绕或环绕"Slender and graceful in light furs, he wore a jeweled girdle, fine clothes and a gorgeous hat "

4 . 用酒精水平仪把架子弄平。But there is plenty of scope at that level

5 . rate lower; lower in value or esteem

6 . int 什么;多么

7 . jade pendants on a girdle

8 . v 放下,降下;减少,降低

9 . 这是一种中性盐。This is a salt story

10 . 食盐在显微镜下看起来好象是无数小正方体。 The result of this stacking of ions is a cubical crystal of common table salt


1 . Level off the shelves with a spirit level

2 . 铝质谷物铲斗 dairy barn scoop

3 . adj 什么样的;多么的

4 . 这是个下流的故事。Not worth the salt

5 . 这一下限通常也起到了量刑标准的作用。In PASCAL or PL / ,the upper or lower limit to the subscript values of an array dimension

6 . The bond drive got off to a flying start when two wealthy citizens subscribed for ten thousand dollars worth each

7 . n 地板,地面;基底;议员席;楼层

8 . She sometimes borrowed Aphrodite’s girdle to excite his passion and thus weaken his will

9 . international common

10 . 陷于穷困Badly off ;in a poor position,esp financially


1 . 盛名之下,其实难副salt是什么意思:

2 . The remark is well timed

3 . 同仇敌忾The series uses common components and common interior electronics

4 . 我十分赞同那个观点。They subscribed materials voluntarily

5 . 阈限生理或生理反映的下限This minimum limit is often a function of sentencing guidelines

7 . 我们每人认购五百股。 scrip subscription

8 . v 订阅;捐款;认购;申请;签署

9 . 稍大的个女孩还在安静地睡着。Lord Henry turned and looked at the duchess with his slumberous eyes

10 . subscribe for


1 . Table salt是经过精细碾磨的用于烹饪和调味的食盐。common是什么意思:

2 . adj 水平的,同高度的;笔直的;平静的

3 . n 钢水包;长柄勺

4 . 奶牛棚用铲斗 ladle是什么意思:

5 . 这个经纪人认购了股。To invite shareholder to subscribe to a new issue

6 . 太阳下山了。Close down autos and you close down steel and rubber

7 . pron 什么;多少;样的事(或人)

8 . adj(女服领口)汤匙式的

9 . adv 在哪一方面;到何种程度;嗯,哦

10 . 这座塑像是玉雕的。A tiny flaw in a piece of white jade


1 . 亨利勋爵转过头来,用倦怠的眼睛望着公爵夫人。For him the wheel of slumber was wont to turn noiseless and slick and swift

2 . 他们向当地的慈善团体捐款。He subscribes liberally to charities

3 . n 玉,翡翠,玉器,绿玉色

4 . n 盐,食盐;

5 . appropriate shed

6 . on the deck

7 . 该系列采用普通的元件和内部电子器件。Common fame is liar

8 . 别自找麻烦slumber是什么意思:

9 . 认购人理解其认购股份证书中将包含有如下说明。The lending nations subscribe toward its capital stock in proportion to their economic importance

10 . n 潦倒;羽绒;丘陵


1 . 穷困的`老作家the relief of misery/poverty/suffuring

2 . 独家首登之新闻 aluminium grain scoop

3 . 妖魔从睡梦中被惊醒,抓起他的冬青大棒,冲出门去追赶杰克。sleep是什么意思:

4 . ladle

5 . 氯化锂盐具有吸湿性的。Salt is a crucial ingredient in cooking

6 . 不幸/穷困/痛楚的消除。To make a beggar of;impoverish

7 . 克拉克指出,应该做的是,如果有人用勺子打你,保持镇静,尽量忽略这件事。scoop是什么意思:

8 . 刻花玻璃物体如枝形吊灯的玻璃吊灯架。The pendant was set with pearls surrounding an emerald

9 . 国际公地 Commonness is happiness

10 . Is there a lower limit for the foreign party?

