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1 . YouwillcomeandeatatmyplaceIt’sadeal

2 . TherearetimeswhenIdon’tseeeyetoeyewithmybestfriends

3 . 在我生活中我从来没见过比刘亦菲更美的女孩。

4 . B:GoodIt’sadeal

5 . I need your help 我需要你的帮助。

6 . Our country is growing ever richer and stronger

7 . It&#;s less cold than it was yesterday

8 . I want something to eat 我想吃点东西。

9 . Mhittheceilingbecauseherhusbandforgottheiranniversary

10 . 例如:Upon / On hearing of the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he couldn’t say a word


1 . 如: I like him all the better for his faults I do not like him the less because he has faults

2 . Whydoyouhaveworkaroundtheclockthismonth?

3 . 遵守诺言是多么重要的事!

4 . "…be worth+被比对象" 如:An inch of time is worth an inch of gold A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

5 . TheexamsarecomingManypeopleareplanningtostayuplate

6 . [注] 极比句中表示范围的词语,除了用差比句附注第三列出的词以外,还有以下几种。

7 . Stopaddingfueltothefire,It’salreadytroublingenough

8 . 例如:No matter how difficult English may be, you should do your best to learn it不管英语有多么难,你都应该尽你最大的努力来学它。

9 . 我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。

10 . What is your plan? 你的计划是什么?


1 . Wedon’thavemuch,butit’sbetterthannothing

2 . 不要使用双重比较级, 如:(误 His younger brother was more stronger than he

3 . IwishIcouldturnbacktheclock,thenIcouldapologizetohim

4 . 注意:此句型一般可以改为疑问词+ever引导的从句,+主句

5 . He is more attentive in class now than he was last term

6 . 他花了尽可能多时间记新单词。

7 . The least means shall be used to achieve the greatest end Which of the boys studies best?

8 . 句型[主语+…choose+名词A+before+名词B] [主语+before+从句]

9 . You’regoingtoofar!

10 . Weholdhiminhighesteem,forhesanexcellentteacher


1 . 例如:We should get into the habit of keeping good hours

2 . Shoot!Ibrokemyarm

3 . A:Thankyouforpickingmeupattheairport

4 . [主语+prefer+不定式A+rather than+不定式B…]

5 . We too have a head and two hands and are no stupider than others

6 . 关于询问用餐(食物:What’sfordinner?晚餐吃什么?Whatwouldyoulike?你想吃什么?I’dlikesomesoupandbread,please(I’dlike=Iwouldlike我想要汤和面包。Helpyourself随便吃吧。Wouldyoulikeaknifeandfork?你想要刀叉吗?No,thanks不了,谢谢。Icanusechopsticks我会用筷子。

7 . spent as much time as he could doing sth(花尽可能的时间做某事

8 . Hehasglassesandhisshoesareblue他戴眼镜,穿蓝色裤子

9 . 等差既可以指出相差的数目, (用by+数词表示 也可以指出相差的范围, 如: of +名词, with regard to, in point of, with respect to, with reference to, with relation to, in the sphere of, in the field of等等。例句: She is the more patient of the two In point of commerce, Shanghai is more prosperous than Nanjing With reference to territory, China is larger than America

10 . China&#;s women, no less than men, are participating in all kinds of work in the socialist construction of their country


1 . The + 比较级 +主语+谓语, the +比较级+主语+谓语(愈……愈……

2 . 例如:Liu Yifei is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen in my life

3 . [主语+谓语+rather than+动词原形…]

4 . When you come to think of it, there is nothing in the world more potent-and more impotent - than words

5 . On no account can we + do… (我们绝对不能……。

6 . I’msohappyforyouImeanit

7 . = In whatever degree sooner you do it, in that degree better it will be The more, the merrier The more, the better

8 . No sooner had he arrived than it began to rain

9 . Since + 主语 + 过去式,主语 + 现在完成式

10 . I am willing to work myself to death before I give up I would do anything before that


1 . We will be successful as long as we… (只要我们……,我们就会成功的

2 . Light does not travel at the same speed through all materials; it goes slower through some than through others

3 . No one is to be compared with him for resourcefulness He has no equal in playing ping-pong ball

4 . The situation of the enemy cannot compare with ours

5 . Dear as are father and mother, the motherland is still dearer

6 . I’mgoingtoEuropenextweekKeepintouch

7 . = the sooner you do it the better it will be = By how much sooner you do it, by so much better it will be

8 . Let’sgoandsee!让我们去看看吧!Whereisit?它在哪儿?

9 . I see what your mean 我了解你的意思。

10 . 注意:此句型可以转化为简单句句型:It is time for sth/for sb to do…

