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1 . 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为……

2 . finish doing sth 完成某事

3 . take an active part in doing sth 积极参加做某事

4 . The best way to solve the troubles is … 解决这些麻烦的最好办法是……

5 . 也许你只是一株稚嫩的幼苗,然而只要坚忍不拔。终会成为参天大树;

6 . Compared with A, B is more 与A相比,B更

7 . 更多句型: thus, it can be concluded that…, therefore, we can find that…

8 . I think it’s time we put a stop to something 我认为是我们停止某事的时候了。(it’s time (that 后的从句要用虚拟,既(should+动词原形

9 . 一簇簇一片片的野玫瑰长满了草地和山冈,五色的花朵,像婴儿的唇,像惺松的眼,像极乐鸟的羽毛,像没有溶化的雪,像早晨飞动的彩霞……鲜艳极了。

10 . Certainly not / Of course not / No, go ahead 等。


1 . They were amazed at the amazing facts 他们对那些令人惊异的事实感到惊奇。

2 . forget doing sth 忘记已做过某事

3 . 在一片挺拔俊俏的白杨树旁,栽下一行弯柳。路两旁的柳枝轻柔地摇曳着,在半空中相互点头致意。久而久之,竟像热恋中的情人,紧密地相依相随,攀援在一起。为行人搭起一座拱形的绿色长廊。

4 . 毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够的重视

5 . 号召:

6 . Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures to______ For one thing,______For another,______

7 . 转折 however, rather than, instead of, but, yet, on the other hand, unfortunately, whereas 原因 for this reason, due to, thanks to, because, because of, as, since, owing to

8 . 正:Do you mind if I smoke here?

9 . 递进 What is more, in addition, and, besides, also, furthermore, too, moreover, furthermore, as well as, additionally, agai

10 . set ones mind to do sth 一心要做某事


1 . 一个真正有作为的人可以没有职业,一个有职业的人必须在职业中有所作为。

2 . Of the two brothers, the younger is more clever 在这两兄弟中,年轻的这个更。

3 . As stated in the previous paragraph 如前段所述

4 . There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of … 毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够的重视。

5 . A 现在分词含有正在进行的意思,而过去分词含有被动或者已经完成的意思,如:

6 . 为什么……?第一个原因是……;第二个原因是……;第三个原因是总的来说,……的主要原因是由于……

7 . give up doing sth 放弃做某事

8 . 起伏的黄土山头,真像一片大洪水的波涛。

9 . 在总体上很难说……是好还是坏,因为它在很大程度上取决于……的形势。然而,就我个人而言,我发现

10 . 当要特指两者中“较(更…”时,比较级前通常要带定冠词,此时可视为比较级后省略了有关的名词或代词one,即定冠词实为修饰被省略的名词或代词one。如:


1 . For all that…对于这一切…… In spite of the fact that…尽管事实……

2 . however

3 . (表示同意,可用:Oh, no, please / No, not at all/Not at all

4 . Recently, the problem of … has aroused people’s concern 最近,……问题已引起人们的关注

5 . 类似的句型还有:If necessary…, they can…

6 . 一个人如果夸赞你不具备的东西,他是想得到你拥有的东西。经典爱情语句

7 . 其他 mostly, occasionally, currently, naturally, mainly, exactly, evidently, frankly, commonly, for this purpose, to a large extent, for most of us, in many cases, in this case

8 . 用于“the+比较级,the+比较级”,表示“越…越…”。如:

9 . 该句型意为“请你……好不好?”“倘若……你见怪吗?”,用would 比用 do 更客气委婉,但通常不用 will;其后可接动名词(但不接不定式或 if从句;接动名词时,根据情况可以带逻辑主语;接if 从句时,若句首用的是 Would,从句谓语通常要用过去式。比较:

10 . honesty

