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1 . 绚烂的晚霞,宛如一幅锦绣。

2 . Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, and decomposes animal debris

3 . 无政府主义这个词描述的是一堆理论和态度,它们的主要共同点在于相信政府是有害的,没有必要的。

4 . When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period of time

5 . Television the most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies, marked by rapid change and growth, is moving into a new era, an era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world

6 . Attheedgeofthewedgedhedge,Iacknowledgedtheknowledgeableman

7 . The human skeleton consists of more than two hundred bones bound together by tough and relatively inelastic connective tissues called ligaments

8 . 雪对农民是一种帮助,因为它保持地层土壤的温度,使种子不致冻死。

9 . 社会心理学的主要焦点是人与人之间的交往,而不是他们各自生活中的事件。

10 . 狂风卷积着乌云,宛如脱缰的野马,呼啸而来。


1 . 对地球引力的研究表明,在不寻常的负荷之下地壳和地幔会发生位移。

2 . Lucretia Mott’s的影响巨大,所以一些权威部门认定她为美国女权运动的创始人。

3 . Itsapitythatthespitboxinthepitwashitandsplit

4 . 父母的教导如果坚定,始终如一和理性,孩子就有可能充满自信。

5 . 消除通货膨胀应确保还贷的钱应与所贷款的价值相同。

6 . 祖国辽阔的土地上,屹立着座座巍巍的雄山。

7 . Using many symbols makes it possible to put a large amount of inFORMation on a single map

8 . Thehandyleft-handerleftahandsomehandkerchiefonthehandleofthehandbag

9 . 十五的圆月宛如一块玉盘在天空悄悄地向我微笑。

10 . By the middle of the twentieth century, painters and sculptors in the United States had begun to exert a great worldwide influence over art


1 . The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse

2 . 冬天的冰灯真美,宛如那水晶雕刻一般。

3 . 我有一盆很漂亮的海棠花,花瓣红似火,花芯黄似金,有的花瓣是合扰的像妈妈抱着一个小娃娃,开着的花像一个小妹妹的小脸蛋,还有的两片花瓣合在一起像一只快乐的蝴蝶。

4 . 玻璃窗上开满了各种各样奇形怪状的霜花。有的像一丛丛茂密的灌木,有的像飘拂在天空中的一片片白云,有的像热带生长的椰子树,有的像连绵起伏的山峦。

5 . 骨头看起来是脆硬的,但它也有一定的弹性,使得骨骼能够承受相当的打击。

6 . 哭喊的男孩试图用油炸干晶体。

7 . When the persuading and the planning for the western railroads had finally been completed, the really challenging task remained: the dangerous, sweaty, backbreaking, brawling business of actually building the lines

8 . 诙谐的证人在几分钟之内无故地收回了他说的话。

9 . 物理学和化学的一个成果是使得科学家们能在生物学和医学上获得重大发现。

10 . 人类学是一门科学,因为人类学家采用一整套强有力的方法和技术来记录观测结果,而这样记录下来的观测结果是供他人核查的。


1 . 十八世纪时,"小乌龟"是迈阿密部落的酋长,该部落的地盘就是今天的印第安纳州和俄亥俄州。

2 . 给美国的新移民增加教育设施比任何社会运动都更多的激发了Elizabeth Williams的热情。

3 . Studies of the gravity field of the Earth indicate that its crust and mantle yield when unusual weight is placed on them

4 . It is impossible to say simply for the fun and exercise: as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are around

5 . 典型的鹌鹑都长有短而圆的翅膀,凭此他们可以在受惊时一跃而起,飞离它们的躲藏地。

6 . 流星划过天际,宛如短暂的相聚和永久的离别。

7 . In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable

8 . 你那动人的眼睛宛若苍穹那璀璨的明星!

9 . 理论在本质上是对认识了的现实的一种抽象和符号化的表达。

10 . Thesituationisfitforprofitingandbeneficialtotheshopssituatednearby


1 . As the time and cost of making a clip drop to a few days and a few hundred dollars, engineers may soon be free to let their imaginations soar without being penalized by expensive failure

2 . During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became what is now Indiana and Ohio

3 . 五星红旗始终屹立不倒。

4 . There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is

5 . 正在和平崛起的中国像一座高山一样屹立在世界的东方。

6 . 那怪石千姿百态,有的像美猴王抓耳挠腮,有的像盆景中重叠着的山峦,有的像额头丰满的老寿星。

7 . 天上的云彩,有的像骏马奔腾,有的像棉花朵朵,有的像美丽的仙女,有的像连绵的山峰

8 . 这棵大树屹立在山头,勇敢地面对狂风暴雨,毫无畏惧。

9 . 黄菊花通常令人生厌,它挤走不那么顽强的植物,并找来很多害虫。

10 . 最坚实的石碑也有倒下的一天,而人们心中的丰碑是永远屹立不倒的。

